Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Minute (November 02, 2011)

Top O’ The Rock
Toastmasters Club 2155
Region 8, District 84, Division A, Area 10
November 2, 2011
Location: Midtown Centre Business Park, Building 2200
Community Room #151
4040 Woodcock Drive, Jacksonville, FL

Members Present:
President - Sue Stack, AC-S, CL (Toastmaster)
Secretary – Steve Nguyen, CC, CL (Grammarian, Master Evaluator)
Carmen Polanco (Topics Master, Um Ah Counter)
James Beal (Timekeeper)

No speeches today so we had extended table topics.

Table Topics:
Table Topics was conducted by Carmen who used the old reliable Table Topics cards.

Sue was asked to explain why she came to work in her pajamas. Time was 1:20 min.
Steve had to explain (to boss) why he deserved a raise. Time was 1:05 min.
James talked about the happiest moment in his life. Time was 1:27 min.
Carmen spoke about how a club can achieve its goals. Time was 1:30 min.
Sue spoke about her favorite Thanksgiving food or foods. Time was 2:38 min.
Steve talked about his favorite Thanksgiving Day memory. Time was 1:17 min.
James spoke about what he is thankful for this year. Time was 1:20 min.
Sue spoke about her mischievous cats. Time was 2:20 min.
Steve was asked to comment on “things go wrong when…..” Time was 1:22 min.
James spoke about Toastmaster Clubs in the future. Time was 1:41 min.

Master Evaluator Steve gave a general evaluation for the meeting.

Word of the day – trepidation – noun – Nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation; apprehension.